Certified Corrosion Monitoring Practitioner Level 1
This course is designed to train and certify Technicians involved in Corrosion Monitoring, Corrosion Control techniques like Corrosion Inhibition and Cathodic Protection potential survey, and Quality Control in manufacturing of anodes.
Certified Corrosion Monitoring Practitioner Level 2
IMM Certified Corrosion Monitoring Practitioner Level 2 is another level for the IMM Certified Corrosion Monitoring Practitioner Level 1 certificate holder to upgrade their knowledge and competency with accordance to their promoted scope of work.
Certified Cathodic Protection Practitioner Level 1
This course is designed to train participants on understanding of supervision, installation, testing & commissioning of CP system, have sufficient troubleshooting skills, inspection & surveys and data interpretation.
Certified Cathodic Protection Practitioner Level 2
IMM Certified Cathodic Protection Practitioner Level 2 is another level for the IMM Certified Cathodic Protection Practitioner Level 1 certificate holder to upgrade their knowledge and competency.
Certified Cathodic Protection Practitioner Level 3
This course is designed to train participants understand CP Principles, to be capable to go to filed, accomplish periodical survey, have sufficient troubleshooting skills to handle problems and issues within CP System.
Corrosion Fundamentals and Corrosion Protection for Facilities Operation/Maintenance Personnel
Today, there us still a lack knowledge on corrosion for many technicians and engineers. The industries need to address this problem urgently to ensure that all facilities to be built will be free from serious corrosion problem in future and all existing facilities are maintained properly.